Are Fish Finders and Depth Finders the Same?

For beginner fishermen, it can be confusing to distinguish between fish finders and depth finders. The names may suggest they are the same device, but in reality, they have different functions and features.

As a beginner to fishing, I found it confusing to understand the differences between both until I started using them with friends and learning from them.

But no, fish finders and depth finders are not the same!

In this article, I’ll go over what each device does, highlight their differences, and help you understand which one would be more beneficial to you.

What Are Fish Finders and How Do They Help You?

a fish finder on a kayak

Fish finders are electronic devices that use sonar technology to detect fish underwater. They work by sending a sound signal which bounces off an object and returns to the device. The device then interprets the sound signal into a visual representation, showing you the location, size, and movement of the fish.

Some fish finders also show the structure of the bottom of the water body, vegetation, and other objects that may be in the way, giving you an idea of the depth of the water.

Fish finders are useful tools for fishermen in large bodies of water, such as lakes or oceans where it’s hard to spot fish with the naked eye. They can be mounted on your kayak or attached to a portable device, making it easy to take them anywhere you go.

If you’re looking for a gadget that can help you catch more fish, then a fish finder is an awesome investment.

What Are Depth Finders and How Do They Help You?

depth finder in action

Depth finders are devices that measure the depth of the water where you’re fishing. They work by sending a sound signal down to the bottom of the water body and the signal bounces back to the device.

The time it takes for the signal to return gives an accurate measurement of the depth of the water. Depth finders are more basic than fish finders, and they don’t give you a visual representation of the fish or the bottom.

Depth finders are useful for fishermen who want to stay safe while fishing. They allow you to know the depth of the water so you don’t venture into shallow areas or hit underwater rocks.

They can also help you in identifying the depth where fish are located which can increase your chances of catching them.

Depth Finders vs Fish Finders: Are They The Same?

Fish finders and depth finders are not the same!

While they both use sonar technology, their functions and features are different. Fish finders give you a visual representation of the fish and the bottom of the water body, while depth finders only give you the depth of the water.

Fish finders are more advanced and expensive than depth finders.

Which Fish Finders are the Best?

When it comes to buying a fish finder, you want to make sure you get one that suits your needs. I am only suggesting the three fish finders that I’ve used personally and find them easy to use. Here they are:

Lowrance HOOK2 5

The Hook 2 5 gives you an easy-to-read display with detailed images of the bottom and structure underwater. It has a wide sonar coverage and allows you to mount it on the boat or attach it to a portable device.

Nautilus FF718CIW

This fish finder is designed for midsize boats. It has dual frequency sonar, allowing you to see both nearshore and offshore fish. It also features an auto-chart live mapping system and a built-in GPS.

Humminbird HELIX 5

The Hummingbird Helix 5 is designed for small boats and has an intuitive interface. It gives you detailed images of the bottom and structure, as well as fish arches. It also features a built-in GPS for navigation.

Which Depth Finders are the Best?

When it comes to depth finders, you want to make sure you get one that is reliable and easy to use. Just like the fish finders I suggested, I have used all three and have listed them in order of ease of use. Here are some of the most popular and reliable depth finders on the market:

Lowrance Elite-5x HDI Depth Finder

The Lowrance Elite-5X has a 5-inch display with a detailed imaging view. It gives accurate measurements of the water depth, and it can be easily mounted on the boat.

Humminbird HELIX 5 CHIRP Depth Finder:

This device has a dual beam sonar that allows you to get an accurate measurement of the water depth. It also has a built-in GPS for navigation and mapping.

Raymarine Dragonfly 4 Pro Depth Finder

This device has a 4.3-inch display and provides you with detailed images of the bottom and structure. It also comes with an integrated GPS receiver, allowing you to plot your course and find fish more easily.

Which One is Cheaper: Fish Finders or Depth Finders?


Fish finders tend to be more expensive than depth finders as they are more advanced and feature-rich. However, there are some cheaper models available on the market that can still give you accurate readings. The price range can vary from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the features and brand.

As for depth finders, their pricing can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars as well depending on the features and brand. Depth finders tend to be cheaper than fish finders but both can be found for a decent price.

Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between a fish finder and a depth finder depends on your needs. If you’re only interested in fishing in shallow water bodies or you’re a beginner fisherman, then a depth finder is all you need.

However, if you’re looking for a gadget that can help you catch more fish and you’re fishing in large bodies of water, then a fish finder is the best option.

Do Fish Finders Measure Depth?

fish finder setup

Yes, some fish finders do measure the depth of the water.

However, their main purpose is to provide a visual representation of the fish and the bottom of the water body so they are not as accurate as depth finders in measuring depths.


In conclusion, fish finders and depth finders are not the same, and they have different functions and features.

Fish finders are more advanced and expensive, and they give you a visual representation of the fish and the bottom of the water body while depth finders only give you the depth of the water.

Choosing between them will depend on your needs and whether you’re interested in catching more fish or staying safe while fishing.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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