Fish Finder vs Hi Low: What’s the Difference and Which One Do You Need?

If you love fishing from your kayak, then you know that one of the most important pieces of gear to invest in is a fishing tool.

Two of the most popular tools for kayakers are fish finders and hi low. Both offer different benefits and features that make them great options for anglers.

Because I’ve used both for years and for different occasions, I’ll share what the difference between these tools are and help you decide which one is better suited for your kayaking adventures.

What is a Fish Finder?

fish finder setup

Fish finders are an electronic device used to locate fish in the water. It uses sonar technology to detect fish (sometimes sharks!) and underwater objects directly beneath the kayak.

The device works by emitting a sonar signal that bounces off the fish or object and sends back a signal to the display unit. This provides the angler with visual data about the fish, like its size, shape, and location.

If you’re someone who wants to be more efficient in finding and catching fish, then fish finder is the perfect tool for you.

What is a Hi Low?

Hi low is a traditional fishing tool that has been used for years by anglers all over the world. It consists of a rod, line, hook, and bait.

Unlike a fish finder, hi low relies solely on the angler’s skill, knowledge, and intuition to catch fish. Anglers have to determine where in the water the fish might be and place their bait accordingly. This technique takes practice, patience, and time to master.

If you enjoy the challenge of fishing and want to connect more with nature, then hi low is the way to go.

Battery Life and Size Comparison

One downside to fish finders is that they require a lot of battery power to operate. This can be a problem if you’re planning on being out on the water for a long time.

Fish finders also tend to be larger and bulkier than hi low which can be inconvenient if you have limited storage space on your kayak.

On the other hand, hi low only requires a rod and some bait, which takes up little to no space on your kayak.

Price Comparison

a fish finder on a kayak

Another consideration to keep in mind is the price difference between the two tools. Fish finders are typically more expensive compared to hi low, and can range anywhere from $100 up to $1000. This can be a deal-breaker for some kayakers who can’t afford to spend that much on fishing gear.

Hi low, on the other hand, is significantly cheaper and requires only basic gear that most anglers already have.

What is a High Low Rig Good For?

Hi low is great for shallow water fishing, as you can easily cast the line in areas that are not reachable with a fish finder.

Something else to consider though is that if you prefer to practice catch and release fishing or don’t plan on keeping your catches, hi low is also a great choice since it doesn’t require a device or batteries to operate.

What is the Best Trace for Surf Fishing?

The best trace for surf fishing is a simple snood rig. This type of rig consists of three to four hooks with two to three feet of line between each hook. The length of the trace should be determined by the size and species of fish you are targeting, as well as the conditions of the surf.

Do make sure your trace is made of high-quality line that can withstand the tough conditions of the surf. Lastly, it’s important to use hooks with enough weight to keep your bait in place for long periods of time.

What Hooks are the Best for High Low Rig?

The best hooks for hi low rig are circle hooks. These hooks have a curved point that increases the hook-up rate, allowing you to catch fish more efficiently.

Circle hooks are designed not to snag or tear the fish’s mouth, making them perfect for practicing catch and release fishing. These hooks come in many sizes, so you can choose the right size for the type of fish you’re targeting.

What is the Best Hook for Surf Casting?

The best hook for surf casting is a J-hook. These hooks have an offset shank that helps them hold onto the bait better and stay in place longer.

J-hooks are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the surf, making them perfect for keeping your bait and tackle in place. They also come in many sizes so you can choose the right size for the type of fish you’re targeting.

What are Some Recommended High Low Rigs?

Some recommended hi low rigs include the Carolina rig, drop shot rig, and egg loop rig.

The Carolina rig is one of the most popular rigs for kayak fishing, as it’s easy to set up and use. It consists of a weight at the bottom of two feet of line with a hook attached at the end.

The drop shot rig is similar to the Carolina rig but with a hook and leader line attached to the weight. The egg loop rig is also popular for kayak fishing, as it is designed to stay in place no matter how strong the current or waves are.

What Rig is Best for Offshore Fishing?

The best rig for offshore fishing is the three-way swivel rig.

This rig consists of a three-way swivel, two dropper lines, and two hooks. The swivel helps to keep the line in place and the dropper lines ensure that your bait stays at the desired depth.It’s also great for larger fish, as the three-way swivel can handle more weight and pressure than other rigs.


When it comes to choosing between fish finders and hi low for kayaking, think about your personal preferences and fishing style.

If you’re someone who wants to increase your chances of catching more fish in less time, then a fish finder might be the best option for you. However, if you value the process of fishing and want to connect more with nature, then hi low might be the way to go.

I use both depending on where I’m going and what I’m in the mood for.

Why Are Fish Finders So Expensive?

Finding the perfect fishing spot isn’t always easy especially if you’re not familiar with the area. To help with this, you might consider purchasing a fish finder which is a device that you attach to your kayak or boat to locate fishies.

However, as much as you love the idea of owning one, you might be hesitant because fish finders can be costly. In this article, I explore why fish finders are expensive and if they’re worth the investment for kayakers.

How Can Fish Finders Help You and How Does They Work?

To understand why fish finders can be pricey, let’s consider the benefits they offer you as an angler:

#1. Technical Features

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To understand why fish finders are expensive, you need to know how they work.

Fish finders use advanced sonar technology to locate fish and other objects underwater. Depending on the model, they can display information such as fish size, depth, water temperature, and underwater obstacles.

The better the technology and features, the higher the price. For example, a fish finder with GPS capabilities and advanced mapping features will cost more than a basic model.

#2. Quality of Components

I’ve used plenty of fish finders to know that they use a variety of components, including transducers, displays, and software. The quality of these materials also plays a significant role in the price.

As with quality products, high-end fish finders use higher-quality components, which results in better image quality, accuracy, and durability. Cheaper models may break easily, produce blurry images, and be less reliable.

Paying more for high-quality components can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to replace the device as frequently (unless you buy them used).

#3. Brand Reputation

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Brand reputation is another factor that affects the price of fish finders. Established companies with a good reputation for producing high-quality fishing gear can charge more for their products.

These brands often invest in research and development to create innovative devices that perform better than their competitors.

However, cheaper brands may still provide reliable and feature-rich products, so do your research (or check my personal recommendations!) before making a purchase.

#4. Functionality

fish finder setup

The cost of fish finders also depends on the type of fishing you plan to do.

If you’re a recreational angler who only fishes occasionally, you might not need the most expensive device.

However, if you’re a serious angler who competes in tournaments and fishes in different conditions, then it’s a whole different ball game: you’ll need a high-end fish finder with many features. In this case, investing more in a high-quality device will give you an advantage over competitors.

#5. Overall Value

While fish finders can be expensive, the benefits they provide often justify the cost.

With one of these babies, you can locate fish more efficiently, which means you’ll catch more fish and save time.

A solid fish finder can also help you avoid underwater obstacles, increase your safety on the water, avoid sharks, and explore new fishing grounds. If you go kayaking regularly and love to fish, a fish finder is a valuable investment.

Are Expensive Fish Finders Worth It?

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Overall, expensive fish finders offer more features and better quality components than cheaper models.

But if you’re a recreational angler or don’t have the budget for a higher-end device, there are still plenty of affordable options that can provide accurate readings and reliable performance.

Do Fish Finders Really Find Fishies?

Yes, fish finders do work and can help you locate fish more easily. They use sonar technology to detect objects in the water, including fish, underwater obstacles, and structure.

Many models also feature advanced features such as GPS mapping so you can explore new fishing grounds with ease. With a good fish finder, you’ll be able to locate fish more quickly and improve your chances of a successful catch.

What Are the Benefits of a Fish Finder?

Fish finders offer a variety of benefits for anglers. As mentioned earlier, they definitely help you locate fish more quickly, save time by avoiding underwater obstacles, and explore new fishing grounds.

These devices also provide valuable data such as water temperature, depth, and the size of the fish which can be useful in determining when and where to fish.

Finally, a good fish finder can also increase your safety on the water by helping you avoid dangerous conditions.

What Are Some Highly Recommended Brands of Fish Finders?

Some of the most popular and highly recommended brands of fish finders include Lowrance, Humminbird, Garmin, Raymarine, and Furuno.

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These companies have a proven track record for producing reliable and feature-rich devices. It’s worth doing your research to compare products from different brands before making a purchase.

Do Fish Finders Work If You’re Fishing on a Kayak?

Yes, fish finders can be effective when you’re fishing on a kayak. Many models are designed specifically for small boats and offer features that make them ideal for use in a kayak.

Just remember to get a transducer that’s suitable for your vessel and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing and using the device.

How Much Should a Good Fish Finder Cost?

The cost of a good fish finder can vary depending on the features you need and your budget: expect to pay anywhere from $200 to over $1,000 for a high-end model.

If you’re a recreational angler who only fishes occasionally, you should be able to get an effective and reliable device for less than $500.


In conclusion, fish finders are expensive due to their advanced technology, high-quality components, brand reputation, and functionality.

While the price tag can be intimidating, investing in a good fish finder is worth it for regular kayakers who enjoy fishing.

I can tell you from someone who has bought a few of these over that years that fish finders can help you catch more fish, save time, avoid obstacles, and improve your overall kayaking and fishing experience.

Do Fish Finders Use Sonar?

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced kayaker, finding and catching fish is undoubtedly one of the best ways to elevate your adventure.

A fish finder is a gadget that can help you improve your fishing experience and make it more productive. But have you ever wondered how fish finders work and if they use sonar technology?

How these suckers worked was a huge mystery for me until I did a bit of research so like always, in this article, I’ll take a deep dive into fish finders and sonar technology to provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

Do Fish Finders Use Sonar Technology?

someone using a fish finder

Fish finders have revolutionized fishing and boating in recent years. Today’s fish finders incorporate advanced sonar technology that can scan the depth, form an image, and locate fish(and sometimes sharks!) underwater.

What is Sonar?

Sonar stands for sound navigation and ranging… which I never knew!

Fish finders use an electronic pulse to send sound waves into the water, which then bounce back off objects to create an image on a screen. This technology is similar to the one used in dolphins and bats for underwater navigation.

When the fish finder sends the signal, it measures the time it takes to receive the response, known as the echo. The reflected signal determines the position and depth of objects underwater.

Fish Finders Help With Underwater Topography

Fish finders have become a popular tool among kayakers as they provide a wealth of information about underwater topography. The device can help you locate fish more accurately and effectively by showing you where the fish are hiding, the depth of the water, and the contour of the bottom.

They can also indicate the temperature of the water and alert you to any potential hazards like rocks or stumps that can damage your boat.

Truly, for an avid fishing kayaker like myself (and hopefully you!), it is a must-have tool if you want to catch home tons of fishies.

They Come in Various Sizes and Shapes

a fish finder on a kayak

Fish finders come in different sizes and shapes, and the features vary from model to model.

Some of the advanced fish finders feature touchscreen displays that are easy to read even when you’re in direct sunlight. Others come with GPS tracking systems that allow you to mark your favorite fishing spots and track your progress.

Some even have built-in Wi-Fi to share data with other anglers on the water. When choosing a fish finder, it is essential to consider your budget and needs.

They Tell You About Water Conditions

Another great feature of fish finders is the ability to adjust the sensitivity level to match the water conditions.

If the water is clear, you can use a higher sensitivity level to detect smaller fish. However, if the water is murky or filled with debris, lowering the sensitivity level will help to reduce the noise and display clearer results on the screen.

Some fish finders also come with fish alarms that can alert you when fish are present in the water, so you don’t miss any opportunities.

What is the Difference Between a Fish Finder and a Sonar?

While both use sonar technology, the difference lies in their purpose. A fish finder is designed to detect and display objects underwater using sound waves.

On the other hand, a sonar device allows you to measure distances and depths without displaying any kind of graphical representation on its screen.

Do Fish Finders Use Ultrasound?

fish finder setup

No, fish finders don’t use ultrasound technology. They use sonar technology which uses sound waves to detect objects underwater.

How Far Can Sonar Detect Fish?

The distance and depth a sonar can detect depends on the type of device you are using. Most modern fish finders are capable of detecting objects up to 200 feet in depth.

Do You Need Mapping on Your Fish Finder?

Mapping is not essential but it can be a useful feature to have on your fish finder.

Mapping allows you to track and store the depths and contours of areas that you have previously fished. This information can then be used to help you locate fish more quickly in the future.

What is the Best Size of a Fish Finder?

For kayaking, it is best to opt for smaller models that can be easily mounted on the kayak and are more portable than larger units.

Smaller models typically come with less features but can still provide you with all of the necessary information you need to locate and catch fish.

What is the Easiest Fish Finder to Use?

Look for models with touchscreen displays and built-in Wi-Fi connectivity features for the easiest operation.


In summary, fish finders are an indispensable tool for kayakers who want to catch more fish and make their fishing experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

By using sonar technology, fish finders allow you to see underwater and locate fish more effectively, mark navigation hazards, and observe the movement of fish.

Can You Put a Trolling Motor on a Kayak?

Kayaking is one of those serene activities that you crave. It’s perfect for those of us who enjoy the water and want to explore new areas…but if you want to move a little faster in your kayak, then get ready to be delighted.

Sometimes, kayakers will find themselves in situations where they will need a boost or extra help to get where they need to go. That’s where trolling motors come in. In fact, the first time I heard of this possibility, my jaw dropped. But let me slow down and let’s tackle the question:

Can You Mount a Trolling Motor on a Kayak?

The short answer is, yes, you can put a trolling motor on a kayak!

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However, before you set out to do this, there are a few things you need to consider. First, you need to understand that a trolling motor is a propulsion system designed for larger boats and it can be a little challenging to mount it on a kayak.

Second, you should also think about the effect it will have on the kayak’s maneuverability and speed. With that being said, if you do still want to put a trolling motor on your kayak, then I’ve got the hookup for ya.

How to Mount a Trolling Mother on a Kayak

Putting a trolling motor on your kayak isn’t complicated. It comes down to choosing the right motor and battery for it and then mounting it well. Here we go:

#1. Choose the right motor

When choosing a trolling motor for your kayak, you need to consider its weight, size, and power. You do not want to choose a motor that is too heavy for your kayak and affects its stability and speed.

This is an important tip because it affects your safety. A motor with a power range of 30-55 pounds is ideal since it’s lightweight and compatible with most kayaks.

#2. Choose the right battery

Your trolling motor will need a battery to run. You need to choose the right battery: one that’s not too bulky and can fit easily into your kayak.

A rechargeable battery with 12 volts and 30-60 amperes is ideal.

#3. Mount the motor correctly

Once you have chosen the appropriate motor and battery, it’s time to mount it correctly on your kayak.

To do this, you can choose a DIY option and mount it on a mounting plate attached to your kayak’s stern. Alternatively, you can also use a kayak trolling motor mount that can bolt into the scupper holes on your kayak which is a bit easier than the DIY option!

#4. Practice operating the kayak with the motor

Now that you have mounted the trolling motor on your kayak, it’s time to test the living hell out of it and I mean that!

I cannot stress this enough: I made a rookie mistake the first time I mounted one of these puppies to my kayak and took it out for a serious kayaking trip. It wasn’t mounted well and my kayak tipped over. Luckily, my buddy helped me and it’s a happy ending. Just please do not skip this step.

Before you hit the water, make sure you have gotten the hang of operating the motor. Remember, it will take time to get familiar with operating the motor, so it’s important to practice on super-calm waters first.

Is a trolling motor safe to mount on a kayak?

Yes, a trolling motor is safe to mount on a kayak if you take proper precautions.

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As directed above, make sure to choose the right motor, battery, and mount for your kayak and practice operating it in calm waters before you hit the open seas.

These motors have been on the market for quite some time and have become increasingly popular with kayakers. Personally, they’ve made my kayaking trips a 100% better.

Is it legal to put a them on a kayak?

The answer to this question depends on where you live. In some states, it is legal to mount a trolling motor on a kayak, while in others, certain restrictions may apply. You should check with your local laws before mounting one on your kayak.

Here are the states where it is legal to mount a trolling motor on your kayak:

  • Alabama
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Oregon
  • Tennessee
  • Texas

How fast will a trolling motor push a kayak?

However, laws change all the time and while we keep this information updated, please check your local and state laws.

The speed of a trolling motor pushing a kayak depends on the size and power of the motor. Generally, small motors with 30-55 pounds of thrust can push most kayaks at speeds of about 3-5 mph. Larger motors with more than 55 pounds of thrust can reach speeds up to 7 mph. The weight and type of kayak, as well as the weight of the paddler and any gear they are carrying will also affect speed.

Do I need to register my fishing kayak with a trolling motor?

Again, this depends on the laws in your state. In some states, you are not required to register a fishing kayak with a trolling motor.

So, the rules can be a bit like a fishing net—tangled and varied. It depends on where you’re paddling and what state you’re in. In some places, you might be able to cruise along without a care, as non-motorized kayaks usually don’t need registration.

But hold on to your paddle! In other states, like California, they might have specific rules for kayaks with motors, including those fancy trolling motors.

To find out if your kayak needs registration, it’s best to reel in the most accurate information from the state’s boating or wildlife agency. They’re the ones who know the ins and outs of kayak registration like a seasoned angler knows their tackle box.

Also, don’t forget to check out any local rules or regulations, because you never know what surprises might be lurking in those fishing holes.

Many states require a special permit or license to operate a motorized vessel.

How fast will a 55lb trolling motor push a kayak?

A 55lb trolling motor can push a kayak at speeds of up to 7-10 mph depending on the weight and type of kayak as well as the weight of the paddler and any gear they are carrying.

Keep in mind that this is just a general estimate- actual speed may vary due to wind conditions, current, and other factors.


In conclusion, it’s possible to put a trolling motor on a kayak, but you need to do it safely and correctly. It’s important to choose the right motor and battery, mount it correctly, and practice operating the kayak with the motor.

With all these in place, you can enjoy a fun-filled day kayaking with the help of a trolling motor. Keep my story in mind as you don’t want a scary experience like the one I had the first time I took out my kayak with a motor!

How To Choose The Best Kayak Cart

Life can be frustrating if you never find something interesting to take your mind off of work, and just enjoy yourself for a day or two.

Unfortunately, staying at home and watching a movie, or just sleeping does not work for most people. That is where water sports, such as kayaking, come in.

In this article, we are going to look at how you can choose the best cart for your kayak, so that you won’t get tired while carrying it to the water. They’re also great for those hard to reach areas, where you have to walk a longer distance.

The Cart’s Balance

The main reason why you would want a kayak cart is to carry your kayak as close enough to the water as possible. In that regard, you are obviously going to get to a point where the ground is not very even.

The last thing you want is for the cart to be toppled by a pebble or small rock. A well balanced kayak cart has a center of gravity that is low enough to offer stability, even when rolling on uneven surfaces.

The best way to estimate how stable the cart is is to check how the kayak rests on it. If the wheels are two close to each other, then it probably is not very stable. A longer spacing between the wheels will offer more stability.

The Wheels

This one may seem obvious, but it is not. One may easily choose to overlook the type of wheel the kayak cart has, because there does not seem to be much variety.

However, you have to consider the advantages of inflatable wheels against foam-stuffed wheels. Generally, foam-stuffed wheels tend to be expensive, but they offer a long-term service.

They also do not go flat, and therefore, won’t disappoint you in case you run the cart over a nail, thorn, or anything that can puncture rubber. If you believe you run the risk of puncturing your cart’s wheel, then choose a cart with foam-stuffed wheels.

Inflatable wheels are cheaper, and offer better cushioning to the kayak. Their downside is they easily get punctured. If that happens, you either have to repair them while you are out there, or find another means of carrying your kayak.

The last option is to go for balloon tires if you are likely to pull your cart over a sandy surface. However, they are more costly than the first two options, and they run a greater risk of getting punctured, or simply going flat. Still, they offer a greater convenience when transporting your kayak along the beach.

Cart’s Frame

The overall design of the cart should be durable, lightweight, and compact. Most importantly, the paint work on the frame should be perfect. It should not come off at the slightest scratch, thereby exposing the metal to corrosion.

The frame should be compact enough to fit in your car’s trunk for easy storage, so you do not have to tie the cart, along with the kayak, on the roof rack. Another important feature that the kayak cart should have is a longer and stronger strap.

As time goes by, the sun’s rays will weaken the strap, and if it was not strong enough in the first place, it will snap when you least expect it. Needless to say, that could cause significant damage to your kayak.

Some kayak carts do not have straps, and instead, come with parts that are designed to plug into the kayak’s scupper holes. If you choose that design, make sure that the cart will easily fit into the scrapper holes, and the kayak will rest securely on it.

The advantage of the plug-design is if you get a perfect fit, it is a lot more convenient to use than the straps.

Lastly, if the frame and wheels are both light enough, then that is a plus. You will not have to worry about the cart when kayaking.

Even if it were to slip into the water, it will remain afloat and attached to the kayak, if you did not loosen the straps.


Overall, the choice of cart you are going to buy will depend on where you plan to go kayaking, and how much you are willing to spend.

Like most things in life, you get what you pay for; you should, therefore, focus more on quality than price. We hope that you found this article to be informative, allowing you to buy the best kayak cart you can.

PS. If you’re on the prowl for your own kayak, you can read our Oru kayak review first.