How Many Kayaks Are Sold Annually?

Even though I love kayaking, I’ve never really sat down to think about if kayaking is an activity that is growing or how many kayaks are sold worldwide.

Not until recently when I went out kayaking and camping with my bestie when she asked, “How many kayaks are sold annually?”

tired woman napping in her kayak

When I researched the numbers, my jaw dropped. I mean, I knew kayakers are passionate folk but I had no idea about the market statistics. So let’s jump into some statistics and “let me blow your mind”, as Gwen Stefani would say.

How Many Kayaks Are Sold in the US Every Year?

In the United States, for example, the number of kayaks sold each year is estimated to be over one million!

Over a million kayaks are sold and the growth compared to 2014 is triple!

How Many Kayaks Are Sold Worldwide Every Year?

When considering the global market for kayaks, estimates place the number of kayaks sold worldwide in 2018 alone at approximately 5 million and hit over $13 million in 2022!

What Type of Kayak Sells the Most?

a bunch of kayaks readied for long camping trips

When it comes to the type of kayaks that are sold, the majority of sales are for recreational kayaks. These are the types of kayaks that are designed for casual, leisurely use on calm waters like lakes and slow-moving rivers.

Touring kayaks, which are designed for longer trips on open water, and whitewater kayaks, which are designed for rapids and rough water, make up a smaller percentage of sales.

What is Helping the Kayaking Industry Grow?

There are a couple of big factors that helped the kayaking industry leaps and bounds!

One factor that has contributed to the growth of kayaking is the rise of non-traditional kayaking markets. For example, inflatable kayaks have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly among people who have limited storage space or live in apartments.

These inflatable kayaks are portable, easy to store, and relatively inexpensive, making them an accessible option for people who want to try kayaking without committing to a more expensive hard-shell kayak.

Second trend is the rise of the popularity of folding kayaks such as the Oru: Just like the inflatable options, these babies are super portable and easy to store.

Another trend that’s driving the popularity of kayaks is the rise of eco-tourism. Kayaking is a great way to explore the natural world without leaving a footprint, and many people are drawn to kayaking tours that take them through remote, pristine environments.

These tours are also becoming more popular as people seek out unique, authentic experiences in nature. I know this because I’ve gone out on a few and hosted one myself recently!

How Big is the Kayaking Market?

happy family kayaking stable

The kayaking market is estimated to be worth about $3 billion worldwide and it continues to grow. People of all ages enjoy kayaking, and the majority choose it as a recreational hobby rather than a competitive sport.

With the growing popularity of eco-tourism and inflatable kayaks, this number is only expected to increase in the future!

Why is There a Shortage of Kayaks?

Unfortunately, due to the high demand for kayaks and the limited supply of materials used to make them, there is currently a shortage of kayaks available on the market.

This shortage has been further exacerbated by the pandemic, which caused ports to close down and affected manufacturing processes. Despite this, manufacturers are still trying to meet the growing demand for kayaks as best they can.

What is the Lifespan of a Kayak?

a couple enjoying their polypropylene kayak

The average lifespan of a kayak depends on the type and how it is used.

Most recreational kayaks will last around five years if they are taken care of properly and stored indoors in an environment that has low humidity.

Whitewater and touring kayaks can last even longer, up to eight or nine years with proper maintenance.

I have kayaks that are 15-20 year old because I took great care of them.

Do Navy SEALs Use Kayaks?

Yes! Navy SEALs use a variety of watercraft including kayaks. They are most often used for reconnaissance and clandestine operations due to their stealthiness and maneuverability.

The US Navy currently uses two types of kayaks: the Special Operations Craft – Riverine (SOC-R) and the Combatant Craft Assault (CCA).

Is Kayaking Competitive?

Yes, kayaking can be a competitive sport.

There are several international competitions, such as the International Canoe Federation’s World Cup and the European Championship Regatta. In addition to these larger-scale events, there are also many local competitions across the United States for people of all ages and skill levels to participate in.

However, there are even more people who enjoy kayaking as a leisurely activity or one that helps them stay in great shape. So whatever your purpose behind kayaking, there’s room for you.


While the number of kayaks sold each year varies depending on the region, there’s no denying that kayaking is a growing trend and more people fall in love with this awesome activity.

Whether you’re interested in recreational kayaking on calm waters or you want to take on the rapids in a whitewater kayak, there’s never been a better time to explore this exciting sport.

Fish Finder vs Camera: Which One Is Better?

When you’re out kayak fishing, it can be challenging to locate fish hiding beneath the water’s surface. For that reason, some kayakers use fish finders or cameras. But which one is best for you?

Lucky for you, I’ve used both so in this article, I will share the advantages and disadvantages of both fish finders and cameras so you can make an informed decision about which one to choose.

Fish Finders for Kayaks

a fish finder on a kayak

Fish finders are devices that use sonar waves to detect fish and other objects beneath the surface of the water. They come as standalone units that you can mount on your kayak or as handheld devices that you can attach to your fishing rod or kayak.

Fish finders produce images that show the location of fish in the water column, as well as the depth and structure of the waterbed. The advantage of using a fish finder is that it can detect fish and at times, sharks, in deeper waters and provide a more accurate detection of the species present.

However, they can be relatively pricey and you may need to spend extra to get additional features such as GPS and mapping.

Cameras for Kayaks

Cameras are another option for kayakers to explore the water and look for fish.

Underwater cameras are available as both portable or mountable units that offer high-quality images of the water bottom. They are suitable for those who plan to explore shallow waters.

A fantastic advantage of using an underwater camera is that it provides a more realistic view of the waterbed than a fish finder. You can see the fishies in their natural habitat and watch their behavior.

However, the downside to using a camera is that these cameras are not as effective in deep water and unfortunately there is a steep learning curve to interpreting what you see on the screen.

Costs of Fish Finders vs Cameras

The cost of the fish finder or camera will also play into your decision.

A basic fish finder can cost as little as $100 while a more advanced one that comes with additional features can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000.

With a camera, there are similar price ranges but the key difference is that you may need additional gear, such as a monitor, to view the images.

Ease of Use When Comparing Both Devices

fish finder setup

Ease of use is also a factor to consider when making a decision between a fish finder and camera. I hate equipment that is hard or inconvenient to use so this is a big factor for me.

Fish finders are designed to be used by fishermen for identification and locating fish, making them user-friendly.

On the other hand, cameras require a bit of skill as the user must understand how to interpret what they see on the screen and make observations accordingly.

Cameras generally take more time to use, and if you are not tech-savvy, this can be frustrating. Personally, I found fish finders much easier to use than these cameras and I’m glad I was playing with a friend’s camera instead of buying one and finding this out the hard way.

Setup Considerations for Both Equipment Types

The setup for both fish finders and cameras is relatively straightforward.

Fish finders usually come with easy-to-follow instructions so you can typically get it up and running in just a few minutes.

Cameras are more complicated as most require an external monitor to view the images. Also, depending on your kayak’s setup, you may need additional mounting accessories for the camera. It was too bulky of a setup for my tastes.

Are Underwater Cameras Worth It?

If you are looking for a device that can provide images of fish in deeper waters and get detailed information about the waterbed, then a fish finder may be your best bet.

However, if you want to explore shallow waters and gain insight into the behavior of fish, then an underwater camera is the better choice.

When is a Flasher Better?

A flasher is a type of fish finder that produces an image that looks like a pulse graph.

It’s typically used by experienced kayakers who want to locate large schools of fish and can be more effective in deeper waters than a traditional sonar-based fish finder.

If you are looking for detailed information about the waterbed and the location of large schools of fish, then a flasher may be your best bet.

However, it is important to note that flashers tend to be more expensive than traditional fish finders, and you may need additional accessories for mounting and viewing the images.

Do Cameras Scare Fish Away?

Underwater cameras can be used to observe fish in their natural habitat and they do not usually scare them away. But if you are using an LED light on the camera, then it is possible that you will scare some fish away.

To avoid this, make sure to set your camera up in areas where there is plenty of cover for the fish to hide, and turn down the brightness of your LED light. Try not to move around too much while using the camera.

Do Fish Finders Scare Fishies?


Fish finders use sonar waves to detect objects beneath the surface of the water, and these waves can be disruptive for fish.

In general, it is best practice to keep your fish finder off when you are not actively looking for fish. This will help reduce disruption to the natural environment and ensure that the fish feel safe in their surroundings.

Also, make sure to set your fish finder up in areas where there is plenty of cover for the fish to hide and avoid putting it near shallow areas.

Whichever one you use, remember to respect the environment!

Which One Should You Buy?

Overall, the choice between a fish finder and a camera for kayakers depends on the species of fish you are trying to catch and conditions in which you are fishing.

If you are a beginner kayaker and fishing in deeper waters, a fish finder might be the best choice for you. If you prefer to explore shallower waters and watch the fish in their natural habitat, then a camera might be the better option.

Hopefully, this article helps you make a good decision and if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section.

Depth Finder vs Sonar: What Serves Kayakers Better?

Kayakers need the proper equipment for a successful and safe time on the water. Two common tools that many kayakers consider are a depth finder and a sonar. While these two items may seem similar, they are actually quite different.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my experience with both and helping you take a closer look at the differences between depth finders and sonars and explore which one is best suited for kayakers.

The Difference Between a Depth Finder and a Sonar

First, let’s define what is meant by a depth finder and a sonar.

A depth finder is a device that uses sound waves to determine the depth of water beneath the kayak. It usually displays the information on a screen, typically in feet or meters.

On the other hand, sonar is a device that not only measures the depth of water but also detects objects under the water, such as fish, rocks, and even the structure of the lake or river bed. It typically displays more detailed information on a screen, including pictures of what it detects.

Depth Finders Are Great For Safety

While both these devices are great tools to have, a depth finder is likely sufficient for most kayakers.

Understanding how deep the water is beneath you can help prevent grounding or capsizing in shallow waters, and can make it easier to choose the best fishing spots. Depth finders are also more affordable and typically easier to install than sonars.

Sonar is Better For Fishing

However, if you’re interested in fishing or exploring new waterways, a sonar might be the better option.

Sonars can provide more detailed information such as the location of fish that can be useful for anglers.

Additionally, sonars can help kayakers better understand the water they’re paddling in. This information can be especially helpful for navigating through rocky areas or avoiding unexpected underwater hazards.

Cost Comparison Between Both

One important factor to consider when deciding between a depth finder and sonar is how much you’re willing to spend. Sonars are typically more expensive than depth finders and can also require more complex installation.

You definitely make sure to consider your budget and experience when making your decision.

Is a Sonar Better in Deeper Waters?

Another consideration is your kayaking environment. If you often paddle in very shallow waters and calm conditions, a depth finder is likely sufficient.

However, if you often paddle in deeper waters or more challenging conditions, a sonar may provide additional benefits and safety measures.

Does a Depth Finder Use Sonar?

Yes, a depth finder uses sonar technology to measure the depth of water beneath the kayak but it’s not as good as a fish finder when it comes to detecting objects under the water.

What Frequency Beam Does a Depth Finder Use?

Depth finders use low-frequency sound waves to measure the depth of water beneath a kayak. The frequency range is typically between 30 and 200kHz, depending on the make and model of the device.

Is Down Imaging Better than Sonar?

Down Imaging is a type of sonar technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of what is under the water.

It’s generally considered more accurate than traditional sonar and can provide useful information about underwater contours, fish locations, and more.

Does Sonar Work in Shallow Water?

a fish finder on a kayak

Yes, sonar can be used in shallow water but it is typically more accurate and reliable in deeper waters. This is because the sound waves are used to measure the depth of water and detect objects traveling farther in deeper waters.

Does a Depth Finder Work Well in Shallow Water?

Yes, a depth finder works well in shallow water since it is designed to measure the depth of water beneath the kayak. It may not be suitable for detecting objects under the surface or getting detailed information about underwater contours and fish locations, however.

What is the Difference Between Sonar and Down Imaging Fish Finder?

Down imaging is a type of sonar technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of what is under the water. It’s generally considered more accurate than traditional sonar and can provide useful information about underwater contours, fish locations, and more.

By comparison, traditional sonar only provides basic depth readings and can be less reliable in shallow waters.

Is a Transducer and a Sonar the Same?

No, a transducer is a device that converts electrical signals into sound waves.

Sonar is the technology used to measure the depth of water beneath a kayak and detect objects under the water.

Transducers are often used in conjunction with sonar to create and transmit sound waves.


In conclusion, kayakers have a couple of options when it comes to underwater navigation tools. Both a depth finder and sonar can be valuable additions to your gear collection, depending on your specific needs.

Personally, fish finders work well for me (I love to go fishing in my kayak) and I’ve become very comfortable with them. Depth finders were a little harder for me to setup and understand how to use but which one you choose should depend on what you’re looking for.

Fish Finder vs Hi Low: What’s the Difference and Which One Do You Need?

If you love fishing from your kayak, then you know that one of the most important pieces of gear to invest in is a fishing tool.

Two of the most popular tools for kayakers are fish finders and hi low. Both offer different benefits and features that make them great options for anglers.

Because I’ve used both for years and for different occasions, I’ll share what the difference between these tools are and help you decide which one is better suited for your kayaking adventures.

What is a Fish Finder?

fish finder setup

Fish finders are an electronic device used to locate fish in the water. It uses sonar technology to detect fish (sometimes sharks!) and underwater objects directly beneath the kayak.

The device works by emitting a sonar signal that bounces off the fish or object and sends back a signal to the display unit. This provides the angler with visual data about the fish, like its size, shape, and location.

If you’re someone who wants to be more efficient in finding and catching fish, then fish finder is the perfect tool for you.

What is a Hi Low?

Hi low is a traditional fishing tool that has been used for years by anglers all over the world. It consists of a rod, line, hook, and bait.

Unlike a fish finder, hi low relies solely on the angler’s skill, knowledge, and intuition to catch fish. Anglers have to determine where in the water the fish might be and place their bait accordingly. This technique takes practice, patience, and time to master.

If you enjoy the challenge of fishing and want to connect more with nature, then hi low is the way to go.

Battery Life and Size Comparison

One downside to fish finders is that they require a lot of battery power to operate. This can be a problem if you’re planning on being out on the water for a long time.

Fish finders also tend to be larger and bulkier than hi low which can be inconvenient if you have limited storage space on your kayak.

On the other hand, hi low only requires a rod and some bait, which takes up little to no space on your kayak.

Price Comparison

a fish finder on a kayak

Another consideration to keep in mind is the price difference between the two tools. Fish finders are typically more expensive compared to hi low, and can range anywhere from $100 up to $1000. This can be a deal-breaker for some kayakers who can’t afford to spend that much on fishing gear.

Hi low, on the other hand, is significantly cheaper and requires only basic gear that most anglers already have.

What is a High Low Rig Good For?

Hi low is great for shallow water fishing, as you can easily cast the line in areas that are not reachable with a fish finder.

Something else to consider though is that if you prefer to practice catch and release fishing or don’t plan on keeping your catches, hi low is also a great choice since it doesn’t require a device or batteries to operate.

What is the Best Trace for Surf Fishing?

The best trace for surf fishing is a simple snood rig. This type of rig consists of three to four hooks with two to three feet of line between each hook. The length of the trace should be determined by the size and species of fish you are targeting, as well as the conditions of the surf.

Do make sure your trace is made of high-quality line that can withstand the tough conditions of the surf. Lastly, it’s important to use hooks with enough weight to keep your bait in place for long periods of time.

What Hooks are the Best for High Low Rig?

The best hooks for hi low rig are circle hooks. These hooks have a curved point that increases the hook-up rate, allowing you to catch fish more efficiently.

Circle hooks are designed not to snag or tear the fish’s mouth, making them perfect for practicing catch and release fishing. These hooks come in many sizes, so you can choose the right size for the type of fish you’re targeting.

What is the Best Hook for Surf Casting?

The best hook for surf casting is a J-hook. These hooks have an offset shank that helps them hold onto the bait better and stay in place longer.

J-hooks are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the surf, making them perfect for keeping your bait and tackle in place. They also come in many sizes so you can choose the right size for the type of fish you’re targeting.

What are Some Recommended High Low Rigs?

Some recommended hi low rigs include the Carolina rig, drop shot rig, and egg loop rig.

The Carolina rig is one of the most popular rigs for kayak fishing, as it’s easy to set up and use. It consists of a weight at the bottom of two feet of line with a hook attached at the end.

The drop shot rig is similar to the Carolina rig but with a hook and leader line attached to the weight. The egg loop rig is also popular for kayak fishing, as it is designed to stay in place no matter how strong the current or waves are.

What Rig is Best for Offshore Fishing?

The best rig for offshore fishing is the three-way swivel rig.

This rig consists of a three-way swivel, two dropper lines, and two hooks. The swivel helps to keep the line in place and the dropper lines ensure that your bait stays at the desired depth.It’s also great for larger fish, as the three-way swivel can handle more weight and pressure than other rigs.


When it comes to choosing between fish finders and hi low for kayaking, think about your personal preferences and fishing style.

If you’re someone who wants to increase your chances of catching more fish in less time, then a fish finder might be the best option for you. However, if you value the process of fishing and want to connect more with nature, then hi low might be the way to go.

I use both depending on where I’m going and what I’m in the mood for.

Why Are Fish Finders So Expensive?

Finding the perfect fishing spot isn’t always easy especially if you’re not familiar with the area. To help with this, you might consider purchasing a fish finder which is a device that you attach to your kayak or boat to locate fishies.

However, as much as you love the idea of owning one, you might be hesitant because fish finders can be costly. In this article, I explore why fish finders are expensive and if they’re worth the investment for kayakers.

How Can Fish Finders Help You and How Does They Work?

To understand why fish finders can be pricey, let’s consider the benefits they offer you as an angler:

#1. Technical Features

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To understand why fish finders are expensive, you need to know how they work.

Fish finders use advanced sonar technology to locate fish and other objects underwater. Depending on the model, they can display information such as fish size, depth, water temperature, and underwater obstacles.

The better the technology and features, the higher the price. For example, a fish finder with GPS capabilities and advanced mapping features will cost more than a basic model.

#2. Quality of Components

I’ve used plenty of fish finders to know that they use a variety of components, including transducers, displays, and software. The quality of these materials also plays a significant role in the price.

As with quality products, high-end fish finders use higher-quality components, which results in better image quality, accuracy, and durability. Cheaper models may break easily, produce blurry images, and be less reliable.

Paying more for high-quality components can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to replace the device as frequently (unless you buy them used).

#3. Brand Reputation

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Brand reputation is another factor that affects the price of fish finders. Established companies with a good reputation for producing high-quality fishing gear can charge more for their products.

These brands often invest in research and development to create innovative devices that perform better than their competitors.

However, cheaper brands may still provide reliable and feature-rich products, so do your research (or check my personal recommendations!) before making a purchase.

#4. Functionality

fish finder setup

The cost of fish finders also depends on the type of fishing you plan to do.

If you’re a recreational angler who only fishes occasionally, you might not need the most expensive device.

However, if you’re a serious angler who competes in tournaments and fishes in different conditions, then it’s a whole different ball game: you’ll need a high-end fish finder with many features. In this case, investing more in a high-quality device will give you an advantage over competitors.

#5. Overall Value

While fish finders can be expensive, the benefits they provide often justify the cost.

With one of these babies, you can locate fish more efficiently, which means you’ll catch more fish and save time.

A solid fish finder can also help you avoid underwater obstacles, increase your safety on the water, avoid sharks, and explore new fishing grounds. If you go kayaking regularly and love to fish, a fish finder is a valuable investment.

Are Expensive Fish Finders Worth It?

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Overall, expensive fish finders offer more features and better quality components than cheaper models.

But if you’re a recreational angler or don’t have the budget for a higher-end device, there are still plenty of affordable options that can provide accurate readings and reliable performance.

Do Fish Finders Really Find Fishies?

Yes, fish finders do work and can help you locate fish more easily. They use sonar technology to detect objects in the water, including fish, underwater obstacles, and structure.

Many models also feature advanced features such as GPS mapping so you can explore new fishing grounds with ease. With a good fish finder, you’ll be able to locate fish more quickly and improve your chances of a successful catch.

What Are the Benefits of a Fish Finder?

Fish finders offer a variety of benefits for anglers. As mentioned earlier, they definitely help you locate fish more quickly, save time by avoiding underwater obstacles, and explore new fishing grounds.

These devices also provide valuable data such as water temperature, depth, and the size of the fish which can be useful in determining when and where to fish.

Finally, a good fish finder can also increase your safety on the water by helping you avoid dangerous conditions.

What Are Some Highly Recommended Brands of Fish Finders?

Some of the most popular and highly recommended brands of fish finders include Lowrance, Humminbird, Garmin, Raymarine, and Furuno.

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These companies have a proven track record for producing reliable and feature-rich devices. It’s worth doing your research to compare products from different brands before making a purchase.

Do Fish Finders Work If You’re Fishing on a Kayak?

Yes, fish finders can be effective when you’re fishing on a kayak. Many models are designed specifically for small boats and offer features that make them ideal for use in a kayak.

Just remember to get a transducer that’s suitable for your vessel and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing and using the device.

How Much Should a Good Fish Finder Cost?

The cost of a good fish finder can vary depending on the features you need and your budget: expect to pay anywhere from $200 to over $1,000 for a high-end model.

If you’re a recreational angler who only fishes occasionally, you should be able to get an effective and reliable device for less than $500.


In conclusion, fish finders are expensive due to their advanced technology, high-quality components, brand reputation, and functionality.

While the price tag can be intimidating, investing in a good fish finder is worth it for regular kayakers who enjoy fishing.

I can tell you from someone who has bought a few of these over that years that fish finders can help you catch more fish, save time, avoid obstacles, and improve your overall kayaking and fishing experience.