Fun Places To Kayak With Humpback Whales

Fun Places to Kayak with Humpback Whales

Kayaking gives you an opportunity to get up close with these fascinating creatures of the sea on their home turf without the noise of the engines from boat cruises and a crowd hovering over you.

In the quietness and stillness of waters here are some of the best places you can kayak with Humpback whales.

Maui in Hawaii

Thousands of Humpback whales move from the arctic, and travel to the Hawaiian waters in the South for the purposes of breeding, birthing as well as nursing their young ones. You will find your best kayaking encounters on this island along with other outdoor lovers.

Whales love warm and calm waters and the Maui western shores provide just that. You’ll see a large number of them off these shores- a place that is equally very pleasant for people to relax.

There are guided tours and chances are that in less than a mile off shore, your Humpback encounters will start. The best months to take your kayaking tour are between February and March as well as from November to May.

Note that going anywhere near the whales by 100 yards is not permissible; however, the whales will move close to you. Even a newbie can comfortably take this trip.

Loreto Port, Mexico

The Loreto Port town is a starting point for tours and trips to the re-known Baja Peninsula coast. You can embark on one of these tours to experience the wonders of nature that this rugged coast has to offer.

During the winter season, whales migrate to seek the comfort and shelter of the Loreto Bay National Marine Park. There are slow paced guided tours with another boat close by to offer any support if necessary.

You can plan to visit any time of the year, and what’s more you do not have to be a professional to take part.

Vancouver Island, British Colombia

Between June and July, Humpbacks travel from Hawaii where they breed, birth and nurse their little ones and migrate to the shores of the Vancouver Island during the summer season.

The waters off this island provide a perfect shelter for these giants of the sea, and you can kayak there with a guide. Any level is welcome to take part.

Vava’u, Tonga

Though remotely located, many people can’t resist the allure of these islands especially their Humpback whales. The Vava’u Islands in the Pacific Ocean are an ideal destination for kayaking with the most of the encounters happening in its sheltered waters.

The best time to take your tour is between July and October when it’s a dry season in Tonga and the waters calm and temperatures warm. To kayak here, it’s advisable that you are an intermediate level kayaker.

Monterey Bay, California

From the Monterey Bay shores, you can experience the magnificent sight of Humpback whales with either a stand up paddle board or a kayak. From the south of Mexico and Central America where they breed and birth during the winter, Humpbacks migrate up north to the Monterey Bay to feed.

They begin to arrive somewhere in March but you can only start kayaking with them from early May to Mid-October. You are required to be of intermediate level for this kayaking expedition.

Final Thoughts

All trips mentioned above are full of excitement and adventure.  Getting the opportunity to paddle alongside these majestic creatures is a rare experience.  Make sure you have the appropriate skill level before venturing out.  Lastly, always remember to carry appropriate clothing and supplies for all your kayaking expeditions.

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